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Flow Super Lifter

Inspecting your hive has never been easier with the Flow Super Lifter®.

Help me choose
Flow Super Lifter
Estimated shipping: late March from CA
Cracks propolis seal
Folds away easily
Versatile and powerful
Easy to attach and detach

Lifting honey supers to inspect the brood box can be a real chore – first you have to chisel the boxes apart, then lift the heavy super off and find somewhere to put it down. And when you replace the super afterwards, bees often get squashed.

We’ve invented the Flow Super Lifter so that you can open a beehive without strain. It attaches and detaches easily to Flow Hives and conventional hives, it cracks the propolis seal for you, and we’ve designed it to lift as many as two deep boxes at a time. When you’re ready to close the hive again, the Super Lifter lets you align and replace the boxes gently to avoid the bees getting squashed.


You don’t need a Flow Super Lifter to keep bees! However, if you’d like to avoid heavy lifting, this invention is a great option. When they’re full of honey, supers can weigh upwards of 23kg/50lbs.

Inspecting the brood box regularly is a necessary (and fascinating!) part of beekeeping – using the Super Lifter makes it a lot easier and faster.


The Flow Super Lifter requires minimal maintenance. Simply clean it after use with a damp cloth and store it – we recommend using the custom made Flow Super Lifter bag.


Dispatch times below:

Standard Kit: Sold Out
Extension Kit: Estimated shipping: late March
Deluxe Kit: Estimated shipping: late March

Cedar Anderson and his dad Stuart revolutionised beekeeping in 2015 when they launched an invention that makes honey harvesting easier, gentler and quicker than ever before.

Now, based on feedback from their community of over 140,000 Flow Hive beekeepers in 130 countries, they’ve done the same for routine hive inspections.

The Flow Super Lifter® is another innovation for ease, saving time, promoting the bees’ well-being, and making beekeeping more accessible.

Optional extras to suit your apiary






Flow Load Point Screws
Are essential for safely attaching your Super Lifter. Install these on the lower and upper boxes of your hive to use the Super Lifter. If you’ve got multiple hives we recommend getting extra screws so that they can be installed permanently on each hive.

All of our Super Lifter kits come with 8 Load Point Screws, and they can also be purchased separately.

8x for US$9, or 24x for US$27

How many do I need?


Flow Load Point Screws
Are essential for safely attaching your Super Lifter. Install these on the lower and upper boxes of your hive to use the Super Lifter. If you’ve got multiple hives we recommend getting extra screws so that they can be installed permanently on each hive.

All of our Super Lifter kits come with 8 Load Point Screws, and they can also be purchased separately.

8x for US$9, or 24x for US$27

How many do I need?


Flow Super Lifter Handles
These specially designed handles make lifting more ergonomic and even easier. Useful if you want to further reduce the weight, and strongly recommended for double box lifts.

The handles attach to the hive using Load Point Screws – install 2 screws on each box that you want to lift using handles.

A pair of Flow Super Lifter Handles are included in the Super Lifter Extension Kit and Super Lifter Deluxe Kit, and they can also be purchased separately.

2x for US$79



Flow Super Lifter Handles
These specially designed handles make lifting more ergonomic and even easier. Useful if you want to further reduce the weight, and strongly recommended for double box lifts.

The handles attach to the hive using Load Point Screws – install 2 screws on each box that you want to lift using handles.

A pair of Flow Super Lifter Handles are included in the Super Lifter Extension Kit and Super Lifter Deluxe Kit, and they can also be purchased separately.

2x for US$79



Flow Brass Hive Latches
Perfect for keeping double boxes securely together when lifting or for attaching your brood box to the hive base.

A pair of latches are included in the Super Lifter Extension Kit and Super Lifter Deluxe Kit, and they can also be purchased separately.

2x for US$30, or 6x for US$90

How many do I need?


Flow Brass Hive Latches
Perfect for keeping double boxes securely together when lifting or for attaching your brood box to the hive base.

A pair of latches are included in the Super Lifter Extension Kit and Super Lifter Deluxe Kit, and they can also be purchased separately.

2x for US$30, or 6x for US$90

How many do I need?


Flow Super Lifter Carry Bag
Make storing and transporting your Super Lifter and handles a breeze using this durable carry bag. Custom-designed for comfort and ease of use.

Included in the Super Lifter Deluxe Kit, and can also be purchased separately.




Flow Super Lifter Carry Bag
Make storing and transporting your Super Lifter and handles a breeze using this durable carry bag. Custom-designed for comfort and ease of use.

Included in the Super Lifter Deluxe Kit, and can also be purchased separately.



How the Flow Super Lifter makes beekeeping so much easier

Explore The Features

What's in the box

Flow Super Lifter

Standard Kit

Extension Kit

Deluxe Kit

Your questions answered

Yes! The Super Lifter can be used with deep, medium and ideal-sized boxes. It’s designed to be compatible with Flow Hives and Langstroth hives and suits hive widths up to 7 Flow Frames (10 Langstroth frames). You can safely lift up to 2 deep boxes at a time.

No – it’s designed to safely lift up to two deep boxes filled with honey plus a hive roof at a time. Beyond this, it will become unstable.
It’s essential to use the Flow Super Lifter Handles and Flow Brass Hive Latches when lifting more than one box at a time.

No! Because the honeycomb in the super is being rotated in the same vertical plane that it sits in while the hive is closed, uncapped honey won't leak out when the hive is opened using the Super Lifter.

Honey doesn't leak from uncapped comb unless the frame is tilted to the side, because the hexagonal cells are facing sideways. The honey is viscous (it's thick and doesn't flow easily) and surface tension causes it to stick to the cell walls.

Many beekeepers already rotate the super like this so that it can be put down on its end during a brood inspection - we've been doing it that way in the Flow apiary for years!

Yes! The Super Lifter is designed to be compatible with Langstroth hives and Flow Hives. It is suitable for hive widths up to 10 Langstroth frames (7 Flow Frames). You can safely lift up to 2 deep boxes at a time.

Yes! The Super Lifter is designed to safely lift the weight of up to two full, deep supers at a time.

No – it’s only designed to safely lift up to two deep supers at a time. Trying to lift more than this is likely to cause instability.

There’s minimal modification required to each of your hives – simply add our Load Point Screws to your hives and you’re ready to go. It’s designed so that it can be used across multiple hives in the same apiary – simply install additional Load Point Screws to all hives in your apiary and you’ll be able to move between and quickly inspect all of your colonies.

Yes! It detaches when you’re done, ready to be used on another hive or folded up and put away. Simply install additional Load Point Screws to all hives in your apiary and you’ll be able to move between and quickly inspect all of your colonies.

The Flow Super Lifter is very easy to use and does not require assembling, however, you will need to attach Load Points Screws to your hives for attachment points. 

You can find detailed instructions and assembly guides for the Flow Super Lifter and other Flow products on our support website here.

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