Now is a good time to start planning for next season. Maybe you will want to split a hive in spring, or secure a nuc or package for a new hive.
We recommend having more than one hive. You can learn a lot by comparing the differences between multiple colonies. When it comes to hives, we’ve got a range of options to choose from.
Our Flow Entrance Reducer is handy for protecting against predators and robbing, reducing drafts in cold climates and can be used to seal the hive entrance for short periods when relocating your hive.
It’s best to avoid any hive or brood inspections when the weather is cold. The bees will maintain a brood temperature of 34-36°C (94 to 97°F). It is dangerous to expose them to low temperatures by opening up the hive, so keep it closed.
You can connect with our team via phone, email, live chat or through our social platforms. Cedar even answers your questions live streamed from the apiary every Wednesday!
Do you know someone who’s keen on taking up beekeeping in the new year? Have you convinced a friend to follow you into the beekeeping world?
Our Refer-A-Friend program allows your friend to receive US$50 off their first hive, and you receive a sweet US$50 reward.
If you don’t have a beekeeping buddy, consider linking up with someone local on the Flow Community Forum.